Celebrate 31 years of ministry with us
Broken for Purpose!
12th Annual Fundraising Banquet
September 22, 2018
All of us have been broken in some manner, some more than others. Surely you can identify, even in a small way, the heartache prisoners suffer from grievous mistakes they deeply regret and ache to undo.
Brokenness comes as a way of getting our attention, changing our course or waking us up. Jesus is in the business of repairing broken people. Those who yield to His restoration process become valuable tools He uses to reach others.
In Japan, the art of Kintsugi is restoring fine vessels with gold. The cracks are covered with lines of exquisite gold. These pieces are more valuable after they have been broken and repaired than before they were shattered. That is what Jesus does with broken people.
Jesus’ heart is incredibly tender toward these broken vessels and He longs to put the pieces of their lives back together. He asks His children to partner with Him in reaching them with the message of restoration, freedom and forgiveness.
Will you partner with Him and PFPI to reach thousands of broken men and women who long to know they are not forgotten and someone still cares.
The annual PFPI Fundraising Banquet is a perfect time and way for you to get involved. Will you please spread the word? Ask the Lord who you should invite. Make your guest list and fill a banquet table. Commit to sponsor or host a table and join us as we participate in what Jesus is doing in prisons around the country.
As you know, Rick and I have battled severe health issues over the past year. God has been faithful and because hundreds. Perhaps thousands of prayer warriors prayed, Rick is a walking miracle. He will share some of his journey at the banquet. God is still recovering energy levels in both of us. That is one of the reasons your partnership is so needed to make this banquet a success.
As a table HOST, there is no cost to you or your guests. Tables seat 8 so you would need to find 7 others to fill the table. If you cannot completely fill a table, no problem. There are always flow-over guests. If you have more than 8 for your table, that is no problem either as they will flow-over to another table. Seating is assigned to specific guests, so every seat can be utilized.
If you choose to be a banquet SPONSOR, your gift covers the cost for a full or partial table, or if you wish to do so, more than one table. You can host the table and fill it with your guests. If you are unable to attend the banquet and still desire to be a sponsor, a volunteer will fill your table and host it for you.
If you desire to attend the banquet as a guest and have no host to invite you, please contact the office and you will be assigned to a table. You are welcome to attend but attendance is by reservation only.
Your prayer, and encouragement and financial support make reaching more incarcerated broken individuals possible.
Thank you