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Thank you for the ministry you've given.

Be encouraged by these letters we have gotten from prisoners who you have ministered to. Thank you to all the Prayer For Prisoners International volunteers!

From Jesse (CCF)

Thank you for all the prayers and Scriptures and ll the encouraging words over all the years. Y’all are truly a blessing to me. I thank God for all of the love you y’all send.

Love Jesse

Dear Mary and Harry,

Thanks for the lovely Christmas card and your words of encouragement. As I’m sure you know, it’s a huge blessing to receive mail while in prison especially. I pray you have a very blessed and joy-filled Christmas Thanks for your participation in Prayer For Prisoners International. In Christ, Thomas - (Crawfordville, FL)

Dear PFPI, You and others like you are Heaven Sent! Thank you for all you do in the name of Jesus! Michael - (Graceville, FL)

I need God’s strength in this godless surrounding. There is so much evil around me and it grieves my spirit so much. Help pray and claim victory over my appeal so I can get home to my kids. God bless! Donald- (Graceville FL)

From Winfield, (Walton Work Camp – Florida)

Ways to Peg a False Messiah

7- Charges 15% for multitudes of ten or more

6 - Bread of life tastes remarkably similar to a slim fast bar.

5 - Is currently being investigated by the IRS.

4 - Has a 1-900 number

3 - Distributes genuine Holy Land cookbooks that are made in Taiwan.

2 - Says, “Sell all that you have and give it to me!”

1 - Refuses to preach on Luke 21!

I want to thank all the founders and volunteers of PFPI for their prayers and Jesus Mail during our rough times of covid. Thank you especially for praying for my mother, Prisilla. She has been doing quite well. Please keep us all in your loving prayers. This is my last prayer request. I will be released Dec 17. Again, Thank you very much. You all have been such a blessing. April – (LVCF) Colorado

From Jeffrey (AVCF)

Thank you for my letter I received today. This letter has spoken to my heart and soul. It is helping me with my ups and downs and I thank you for that.

From Brandon Sterling (released 11-4-2020)

I want to thank you with all my being for all your love, care, and support. Tomorrow, I am going home to my family.

In one of your letters, you challenged me to memorize Philippians 4:4-8. These verses stand out to me, especially 4:4:19, the date I was saved. I was always extremely anxious, depressed and lost. Depending on temporary numbness, lost in the darkness and did not allow anything or anyone to see my hurt. Believing in the name of the Son of God and knowing that Jesus gave His life for me, what could I possibly have to be worried about in this life? I have endured temptations that have furthered and strengthened my faith and have remained true to my Lord and Savior through all the trials and tribulations. God has a plan for us all and all I want to do is spread the Gospel throughout all of mankind, to show the world how great our Father is and there is no darkness while living for the Lord as God is Light.

I am no longer longing for the things that lead me down the path of my old self, yet I yearn to do His will as I have decided to turn my life and my will over to the care of God. To live a righteous and holy life, living with the fruit of the Spirit, honestly believe and have no doubt in the ways of the Lord. I have been freed from my mental prison, Praise GOD! My journey does not stop, my testimony has only begun and there is so much more to be achieved in God’s powerful Word.

I think you all, yet again, for not only touching my soul with the words of uplifting, powerful and encouraging letters, but the many souls who continue to struggle, recover, and follow the path of righteousness. God bless you all.


From Michelle (LVCF)

I want to thank you for the heart felt message and prayers and letters. They have brought healing to my hurting heart again. Thank you for caring. Please pray for peace, love, and healing. In our world and comfort and God’s truth, wisdom in my pod. I am a changed, new servant of the Lord. Michelle Kinion

From Coy (Madison CI Work Camp)

Dear PFPI, Thank you for your constant contact. Yes, PFPI is a major part of my service to our Lord, King Jesus Christ. Because it has been a great source of hope for me and my family and other ministries I am involved in and have been for the last 11+ years. I have not met a person saved or lost who has turned down the opportunity to have their children, families and loved ones lifted up in prayer. L A thousand and one times, officers or inmates. If PFPI is what I have believed and trusted with my intercession for my most dire and precious needs, then 1000+1 prayer in the state of Florida alone for people with loved ones incarcerated far surpass a 1000+1 24-7 prayer. Most men in here are not quick to give their names at first but they come around. I give out stamped addressed envelopes and paper to prospect and check on them from time to time. Your newsletters are awesome. Table of hope is a great idea. I will be praying for it and want to be a part of it. I will also be praying for other ways to get funding for PFPI mission. You made yourselves perfectly clear about Christmas art to begin with. The Christian artists here are too busy making dollars with their art and will not take the time to help you. Your newsletters need to go further than prisons, so I am sending mine out to family and the world. God bless you and may Jesus keep your work and sacrifices before Him. Love you all at PFPI.

From Joshua (FCF)

I hope this letter fines you all doing well. Thank you very much for your letters and encouragement. It really helps and brings tears to my eyes, that I have many Christians praying for me and others around the world. You really care.

Fremont Facility is still on phase three lock-downs. Right now, unit One C is where I’m at, gets 50 minutes twice a day on each tier. It’s a lot better than it was weeks ago. Just shower every three days. The other pods A,B, D gets to go to chow hall, pick up their trays and walk to med-line./ A,B, D gets 50 minutes twice a day on each tier also, C pod, we get or trays sent to us.

I don’t know when the facility will be off of phase 3 lock-down. Still accepted to the half-way house. I saw parole, had a hearing on November 2. I have not heard anything yet from parole. Everything is in the lord’s hands. He is in control. Whatever the Lord has for me in the future, I will be content.

You asked in your letter what I think of Hebrews 13:5. Here is what I believe God is telling His children in that Scripture. That we should not be lovers of money or do not desire worldly gain. Be content with what He gives us in life, but we all need to be living for Him with all our heart in total submission to His will. “He will never leave us or forsake us” is a promise. The Lord is faithful and will see us through every situation. Do you agree? Thank you very much for your prayers and letters. I will be praying for you guys. Stay safe and take care of yourselves. God Bless! Have a merry Christmas and a Happy New year.

Coy (Madison Work Camp)

Dear Brothers and sisters in Christ at Prayer For Prisoners International,

Thank you and blessed are your families for your many prophetic messages from our Lord. I cannot begin to tell you how much hope we get from your letters and cards. The starfish story and the memory verses are encouraging, admonishing and on point. Our loved ones, prayed ones, families, friends, homes, cities, states, counties, countries governments, our world are dependent upon your actions, prayers and obedience and faithfulness to our “gang leader,” Jesus Christ of Nazareth, His God and Father Jehovah and His all-powerful, ever present indwelling sweet Holy Spirit.


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